The Applications Of A Cement Concrete Block Making Machine

A cement concrete block making machine is a piece of industrial machinery that is used to facilitate the manufacturing process of different types of blocks, such as paver blocks, interlocking blocks, pavement bricks, solid blocks, and hollow blocks. As different types of concrete bricks are used in massive quantities in the construction industry, there is a demand for machines that can manufacture bricks as efficiently as possible. Think for a second about how many bricks are used by the construction industry every day on a global scale.

Without an automatic cement concrete block making machines, the manufacturing of bricks is very slow and labor-intensive. Traditional brick manufacturing methods require large numbers of workers to pour buckets of heavy wet concrete into block-shaped molds. The formed bricks then have to be moved to a curing area requiring a lot of physical labor. It is hard for a team of manual workers to produce the number of bricks required for tall building construction without help from any machinery. Another downside of bricks made by hand is that they are often not uniform in quality.

ABM-3S  cement concrete blocks machine
ABM-3S cement concrete blocks machine

With a fully-automatic concrete block machine, high-grade concrete blocks can be manufactured at a great pace without the need for any intensive physical exertion from manual workers. The bricks made by such a machine are high quality, accurately sized and less susceptible to breakage.

High-quality cement concrete blocks machines have accurate weighing and mixing systems to ensure the correct proportions of raw materials – cement powder, water, sand, aggregates, and additives – are used for the manufacturing process. This ensures high-grade end products that are a joy to work with. Since the end products are guaranteed to be of high quality, brick manufacturing businesses can often increase brick unit prices.

Something to know is that there are lots of concrete block-making machines for sale and not all of them are equal when it comes to build quality, output rates, price, maintenance costs, running costs, etc. The best machines are energy-efficient, fast, fully automated and easy to install. Some of the different types of brick making machines available include mobile hydraulic brick makers, semi-automatic block making machines, and automatic cement block making machines.

One example of a semi-automatic cement brick making machine model is the LMT4-35 brick making machines. It is a popular machine with customers around the world and is capable of producing around 5,248 pcs in an 8-hour time period. The LMT4-35 is a great option for businesses that don’t have the funds to invest in fully automatic machinery just yet.

Fully automatic block machines automate all brick making production line tasks. They are equipped with hoppers, weighing systems, mixers, PLC control systems, integrated dryers, etc. They are the go-to choice for those looking to mass-produce bricks. While automatic cement block making machine prices can be very high, the machine has excellent ROI rates. What’s more, as the machines can produce thousands of perfect bricks every hour, payback times are not as long as many businesses might initially think. So, be sure to check out some of the latest models for sale online.